Tag: retirement planning

Family Legacy Planning

Family Values: A Critical Component of Family Legacy Planning 

There are many things to consider when families invest their time, emotions, and effort into the development, success, and sustainability of their family legacy. Please reference my previous articles: Preserving Family Wealth is a Generational Effort; Begin the Journey of Developing a Family Legacy with a Family Retreat; Family Legacy Development: The Anatomy and Importance of Family Meetings. There are many elements that contribute to the family dynamics which may help unify the family, or create roadblocks that members will…

Retirement Planning

What’s Your Purpose in Retirement? 

Retirement can be an exciting milestone. It’s also a major lifestyle change. Oftentimes, your daily workday tasks (professionally or if you run your own business) will likely no longer exist. Transitioning into retirement for some is an easy process. Perhaps their profession is not their absolute passion, and they always had other pursuits and hobbies they are ready to explore once exiting from their day job. But for others, their profession or business is their passion. They put all their…

Business Exit Planning

When is the Right Time to Get a Valuation of Your Business in Planning Your Exit? 

As I have mentioned many times before when writing articles on business exit planning, doing a proper exit plan takes time and usually requires a methodical process. Over the years, I have developed an exit planning process that was manifested out of the knowledge of a comprehensive financial planning process, and what I have learned over many years of being a member of the Business Enterprise Institute.

Business Exit Planning

The Business Owner Will Exit Their Business, One Way or Another 

When discussing business exit planning, there are some interesting statistics: 100% of business owners will leave their businesses, whether planned or otherwise; 79% pf business owners plan to exit their businesses in the next 10 years or less; 80% of owners believe that a successful exit will result from planning and action items they implement. But here is the catch – only 17% of owners have created a written plan… and often it takes 3 to 5 years to develop one.

Retirement Planning

Preparing Your Runway for a Smooth Landing into Retirement – Part 2 

In Part 1 of this series, “Preparing Your Runway for a Smooth Landing into Retirement”, we discussed four important areas to address in the development of a retirement plan, which was “Painting Your Picture”, determining your cash flow requirements, thinking through inflation assumptions, and determining your sources of income. There are nine other areas and/or issues to address that I think are important in completing a well-rounded plan. Your Potential Risks in Retirement – I mentioned inflation is a potential…

Retirement Planning

Preparing Your Runway for a Smooth Landing into Retirement – Part 1 

Planning for a successful retirement is like any other type of financial planning, in that it is an ongoing process, and it takes time. Depending on where you are in the planning stages, is key in determining how much time you want to allow yourself. Aside from that, there are several important areas that you want to address in your planning journey. Everyone’s planning picture is different, in having different needs, parameters, expenditures, investment assets, family dynamics, retirement lifestyle preferences,…